Top 10 Box Office din 9 - 11 Mai

Daca va intereseaza cine a produs un film, care este bugetul investit filmului, care este totalul castigat de acest film de la data de lansare, si in cate cinematografe a fost prezentat respectivul film de la Hollywood, ati aterizat bine. Mai jos va prezint "Top 10 Box Office din 9 - 11 Mai" - creeat de mine.
Iron Man
#1 Iron Man:
* Productie: Paraount
* Buget investit: 140,0000,000$
* Lansat de: 2 saptamani
* Total Castigat: 177,825,024$
* Cinematografe: 4.111

Speed Racer
#2 Speed Racer:
* Productie: Warner Bros
* Buget investit: 120.000.000$
* Lansat de: 1 saptamani
* Total Castigat: 18,561,337$
* Cinematografe: 3,606

What Happens In Vegas
#3 What Happens in Vegas:
* Productie: 20 Century Fix
* Buget investit: 35,000,000$
* Lansat de: 1 saptamani
* Total Castigat: 20,172,474$
* Cinematografe: 3,215

Imaginea „” nu poate fi afișată deoarece conține erori.
#4 Made of Honor:
* Productie: Sony
* Buget investit: 40,000,000$
* Lansat de: 2 saptamani
* Total Castigat: 26,791,494$
* Cinematografe: 2,734

Baby Mama
#5 Baby Mama:
* Productie: Universal
* Buget investit: 30,000,000$
* Lansat de: 2 saptamani
* Total Castigat: 40,836,370$
* Cinematografe: 2,627

Forgetting Sarah Marshall
#6 Forgetting Sarah Marshall:
* Productie: Universal
* Buget investit: 40,000,000$
* Lansat de: 4 saptamani
* Total Castigat: 50,836,370$
* Cinematografe: 2,376

Harold and Kumar: Escape From Guantanamo Bay
#7 Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay:
* Productie: NL
* Buget investit: 12,000,000$
* Lansat de: 3 saptamani
* Total Castigat: 30,667,308$
* Cinematografe: 2,264

Forbidden Kingdom
#8 The Forbidden Kingdom:
* Productie: LionsGate
* Buget investit: xx,000,000$ (nu am gasit informatia)
* Lansat de: 3 saptamani
* Total Castigat: 48,530,104$
* Cinematografe: 1,724

Nim’s Island
#9 Nim's Island:
* Productie: 20 Century Fox
* Buget investit: 37,000,000$
* Lansat de: 6 saptamani
* Total Castigat: 44,395,857$
* Cinematografe: 3,513

Prom Night
#10 Prom Night:
* Productie: SGem
* Buget investit: 20,000,000$
* Lansat de: 6 saptamani
* Total Castigat: 42,785,107$
* Cinematografe: 1,465

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