Gaither Europe Tour - Siegen Germany part 2

I heard from Kevin, Rory and Gordon again this evening from Amsterdam. They got a guided tour of Amsterdam today and especially enjoyed the opportunity to tour the home of Anne Frank. The city canals and streets were beautiful and they enjoyed a wonderful meal together to end the day.

They were completely blown away by the response they received last night in Siegen, Germany! They said they had never experienced anything like the energy and enthusiasm that crowd expressed! The audience consisted of German residents, as well as a huge group from Romania, a group from Hungary and many other parts of Europe. Some audience members had actually driven distances of up to 25 hours just for the concert!

An interpreter helped with language barrier, but Kevin reported that communication was so much easier than he had imagined. Clearly,the Spirit is easily understood in any language because the worship was unlike anything they had ever seen... and the crowd could sing many of the songs in English right along with the artists. It was a moving and encouraging experience to say the least.

It was getting late over there by the time we finished talking, and we did hear that a few of the artists have been feeling under the weather over the past couple days, including Gloria (who is now on an antibiotic) and Gordon (who sounded like he had a really awful cold, but reports feeling a bit better today than yesterday) and now they think Marshall might be starting to feel a little yucky. But everyone is having an amazing time and they're so grateful for the incredible support they are receiving in Europe!

Thanks to all of you who are praying for safe travels and please continue to pray for physical strength for the group during the remaining days they're traveling.



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