2 iunie 2008

Ringo se desfinteaza, se inchide (Ringo is Ending Soon)

Ringo is shutting downAm primit astazi un e-mail de la o adresa oficiala @ringo.com cu o informatie care chiar mi-a placut, in sfarsit s-au gandit ca nu sunt placuti pe piata, si ca ar trebuii sa isi desfiinteze sistemul. Astept ca aceste măsuri sa file luate si de catre cei de la hi5 (asta o astept de mult). Sper sa-mi faca pe plac si sa inchida si ei piatzu, la fel ca acest ne-insemnat Ringo. Mai jos puteti citi mesajul care l-am primit via e-mail:

"May 31, 2008

Dear Ringo member,

After much consideration we have decided to end the Ringo service.

As of June 30, 2008 the Ringo service is ending and you will no longer have access to your Ringo account.

How do I get my photos?

We created a new feature that will allow you to download your photos to your computer. Click here to download your photos.

You may also order a CD of your photos. Just sign in to your Ringo account, click on the "You" tab, click" Order prints" and then "Photo Disks".

How do I get my videos?

Videos uploaded to Ringo were hosted for us by a partner. This partner has decided to end this service and after June 30 videos uploaded to Ringo will no longer be available.

Thank you for being part of the Ringo community.

The Ringo Team"

Aplauzele mele !

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