31 mai 2008

Iphone pe mana unor chinezi

Mai jos, puteti vedea ce se intampla cand un Iphone ajunge pe mana unor chinezi... interesant :))

3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Man, dupa grai, astia par sa fie japonezi. ;))

Anonim spunea...

Cica, i se zice "IPong"! :P LOL!

Anonim spunea...

The Roz Ho ZunePhone!
I figured that you have to fight fire! So that is why Roz Ho (don't say it!) iTard extraordinaire and former head of the Macintosh business Unit, was put on as head of the super double extra secret ZunePhone/Danger Electronics intergration project, BOY! Have they been working fast! This thing looks even better than our old ZunePhone mockup!

Get ready world! The ultimate iPhuneb KILLER is really on it's way this time really, really!