
Se afișează postări din ianuarie, 2010

Tiny little fellows :)

Source: PhotoWorld

Cum schimb Limba Hi5

Tags: cum schimb limba la hi5, limba hi5, modificare limba hi5, schimb limba hi5, limba profil hi5, limba cont hi5, limba pagina hi5, vreau alta limba la hi5, language hi5 change. (click pe poza pentu o mai buna calitate ) Hi5 este momentan disponibil in mai mult de 40 de limbi, incluzand aici si limbile speciale a tarilor cu limba si dialect asemanator cum ar fii engleza-SUA, engleza-Australia sau engleza-Britanica. Majoritatea paginilor hi5 se pot schimba in limba pe care o alegi. Pentru a schimba limba, logheaza-te in contul tau hi5 dupa care apasa pe iconiţa cu un 'glob' (sus coltul din dreapta paginii). Acolo vei gasii lista limbilor disponibile. Daca tara ta nu se afla printre ele, nu te ingrijora... Hi5 continua sa extinda aceasta lista. Daca nu gasesti globul, mergi sus dreapta la 'cont' apoi in josul paginii scrie limba. Click pe ea si de acolo alege cea pe care o doreesti. Hi5 ofer momentan Suport tehnic prin email si ajutor/FAQ in Engleza si Spaniola. Si is c...

Castigatorii Globurilor de Aur 2010 (cu nominalizari)

Tags: Nominalizari Globuri de Aur, golden globes nominalizari castigatori, actori, cel mai bun film, cel mai bun serial de comedie, cea mai buna drama, cel mai bun film de animatie, cea mai tare comedie, cele mai tari filme ale anului 2009, globurile de aur SUA 2010, castiga globurile aur, golden globes, cei mai buni actori, cel mai bun serial. Cu roşu avem trecuţi câştigătorii. Restul listei reprezintă celelalte nominalizări. Best Picture, Drama: (Cel mai bun film, Dramă) 'The Hurt Locker' 'Precious' ' Avatar ' 'Inglourious Basterds' 'Up in the Air' Best Picture, Comedy or Musical: (Cea mai buna Comedie sau Muzical) '(500) Days of Summer' 'Nine' ' The Hangover ' 'It's Complicated' 'Julie & Julia' Best Director: (Cel mai bun regizor) Kathryn Bigelow, 'The Hurt Locker' James Cameron, 'Avatar' Clint Eastwood, 'Invictus' Jason Reitman, 'Up in the Air' Quentin Tarantino...

Super Yahoo Messenger kill

Tags: omoara yahoo messenger, ymsgr:-kill status, cum pun status la yahoo ymsgr:-kill, click link status inchide messenger, dispare ymsgr:-kill, sting messu la cineva, close yahoo messenger ymsgr:-kill, smecherii status, yahoo mess status inchide mess ymsgr:-kill. Astazi am descoperit o chestie super interesanta, mai degraba o jmecherie pentru curiosii listei voastre de messenger :). Este un simplu cod pe care daca il pui in campul de link al statusului tau, oricine va da click pe el i se inchide de tot aplicatia yahoo messenger (adica mesu). Super tare nu?! Asa ca ia luati voi fain frumos codul asta "ymsgr:-kill" - evident fara ghilimele, compuneti un status atragator ca sa stimulati lumea sa dea click si... pregatitiva de artificii!! :)) Codul este: ymsgr:-kill

Cum deblochez un document pdf

Tags: cum desfac un pdf parolat, deparolare pdf, copy paste pdf nu merge, pdf blocat, unlock pasworded pdf, document pdf blocat nu pot, deblocheaza pdf documente, document pdf blocat cu parola, document parolat, accesez un document pdf cu parola, nu am parola pdf cum vad fisier. Cum deblocam un document Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) blocat: 1. Mai intai descarca programul gratuit "Free PDF Unlocker" de aici . 2. Acum, instalam 'Free PDF Unlocker' prin dublu-click pe fisierul descarcat. Este un programel destul de mic, deci instalarea lui nu ar trebuii sa ia mult timp (next, next, finish). 3. Dupa instalarea programului de mai sus, muta documentul tau (pdf) parolat pe desktop. Tot pe desktop ai o iconita noua care se numeste "Free PDF Unlocker". 4. Fa un click pe documentul tau, si muta-l peste iconita "Free PDF Unlocker" de pe desktop. 5. programul va incepe procesul de deblocare a documentului tau, si in scurt timp ti-l va salva direct pe desktop t...

CSS Transparency

Transparency is one of those weird things that is treated completely differently in all browsers. To cover all your bases, you need four separate CSS statements. Fortunately they don’t interfere with each other really, so using them all every time you wish to add transparency is no big hassle and worry-free. Here they are, and are currently set to 50% transparency: .transparent_class { filter:alpha(opacity=50); -moz-opacity:0.5; -khtml-opacity: 0.5; opacity: 0.5; } Here is what each of the above CSS property stands for: opacity: 0.5; This is the “very important” one because it is the current standard in CSS. This will work in most versions of Firefox, Safari, and Opera Browsers. This would be all you need if all browsers supported current standards. Which, of course, they don’t. filter:alpha(opacity=50); This one you need for IE. -moz-opacity:0.5; You need this one to support way old school versions of the Mozilla browsers like Netscape Navigator. -khtml-opacity: 0.5; This is f...

3 simple methods to Mute Spotify ads & adverts

Tags: mute silent spotify ads commercial adverts mute spotify commercial, silent spotify ads adverts commercials, make spotify stop playing ads, stop 30 sec spotify commercials ads adverts. What is spotify? - Spotify is a software just like like your standard music players: winamp, windows media player, quick time player or whatever player you use to play your standard mp3's from your computer or music from your disks. Solutions to mute, silent spotify ads, adverts or commercials. As always, the first solutions in a list are easier and so i this one. So here’s what you can do: hit pause, when the advert starts playing. You can then turn down the volume on the spotify player with your mouse and press play. The advert will resume its playing in silence. You can watch the little timer shown on the bottom of the player as a circle, to see when the ad is done.. you're free to continue listening, and then just turn the volume back up. Another god way can be that Spotify doesn’t k...